Searching algorithms on arrays. Note that the element comparison is defined here bu the percondition checks may use a different lt when calling the is_sorted routine in A_SORT

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binary_search(a: ATP,e: ETP): INT
binary_search(a: ATP,e:ETP,l,u: INT):INT
**** Assuming self is sorted, return the index of the element preceding the first element greater than `e' according to `elt_lt' in the range [l,u]. -1 if all elements are greater than `e'.
binary_search(a: ATP,e:ETP,lt: ROUT{ETP,ETP}:BOOL,l,u: INT):INT
**** Assuming self is sorted, return the index of the element preceding the first element greater than `e' according to `elt_lt' in the range [l,u]. -1 if all elements are greater than `e'.
index_if(a: ATP,test:ROUT{ETP}:BOOL):INT
**** Return the index of the leftmost element that satisfies `test', or -1 if there is none.
index_of(a: ATP, e: ETP): INT
**** Return the index of the elemetn 'e' in 'a' Return -1 if the element is not found. Does not assume a is sorted
match_subarray(a: ATP, marr:ARRAY{ETP},l,u: INT):INT
**** The index of the leftmost subarray of marr which matches 'a' Confine search to subrange [l,u] of a -1 if none. Uses simple algorithm which has good performance unless the arrays are special (eg. many repeated values). Also uses ARRAY{ETP} rather than a general $ARR since it will almost certainly be worthwhile to copy into a concrete class rather than use dispatching on the argument


check_range(a: ATP,l,u: INT): BOOL
is_sorted(a: ATP,l,u:INT): BOOL

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